Image Cash Letter (ICL)
Move from a paper to image processing environment for faster clearing and settlement.
Contact UsOptimize your check processing while lowering costs and minimizing risks
Still wasting time and money processing checks for your business? Whether you process your own checks or use a third-party provider, the costs and risks associated with the processing of paper checks continues to grow.
At Cadence Bank, our Image Cash Letter (ICL) solution allows businesses to capture images of paper checks drawn on U.S. banks, along with associated payment data, and transmit to us for clearing and settlement. ICL service offers clients an opportunity to significantly lower operating costs by moving from a paper to image processing environment.
Image Cash Letter Features
- Industry Standard Format – Experienced staff who can work closely with you to prepare images and related data in the industry standard X9.37 image cash letter format.
- Secure File Transfer – Clients will transmit their image cash letter files to the bank using secure communication protocols. You can send one file at the end of the day or multiple files throughout the day.
- Centralized Deposits – The image cash letter deposit can include check payments from all of your processing locations. The image cash letter will be verified and the funds credited to the client’s account. Checks will be sent to the Federal Reserve for presentment to the paying banks.
Our team is available to help you streamline your operations.

With Image Cash Letter processing, your business will benefit from:
- Accelerated Availability – Electronic images allow for faster clearing of checks and funds availability in your account
- Increased Efficiency & Reduced Expenses – Eliminate the time, cost and risks of transporting paper checks to the bank for clearing. Scan checks at your processing location and send files to the bank throughout the day
- Fraud Protection – ICL Service helps you mitigate check fraud by accelerating return item notifications
- Check Imaging – Access check images online via Cadence Treasury Mobile app